Choosing breast implants towards confidence


Pride month is a time to celebrate your true self and your journey of self-love. It’s not only a time to celebrate your identity and uniqueness, but also a time to reflect on your goals and dreams, and how you can achieve them. For some members of the LGBTQIA++ community, this may include getting breast implants to enhance their appearance and boost their self-esteem.

Getting breast implants is a way for some people to feel more comfortable and authentic in their own skin, and to pursue their aspirations with more confidence and joy. However, not all breast implants are created equal.

If you are a trans woman who wants to enhance your breasts, this article will help you find the best breast implants for your needs. You will learn about the different types of breast implants, such as Motiva Ergonomix®, implant shapes, and options for placement and incision.

Types of Breast Implants

Breast implants are medical devices that go under your breast tissue or chest muscle to give your breasts more volume and shape. They can help you achieve a more feminine look and a chest that matches your gender identity and expression. But before you decide on breast surgery, you need to know the difference between the two main types of breast implants: saline and silicone implants.

Saline implants are silicone shells filled with a sterile saltwater (saline) solution. Some are pre-filled and others are filled during the implant operation. However, because the solution is less cohesive, it has a higher chance of rippling. Also, the body absorbs the solution in the case of implant rupture.

Meanwhile, silicone implants are silicone shells filled with a cohesive silicone gel (silicone) that feels similar to breast tissue. It is known to create a fuller cleavage, while still creating a natural look. Some silicone implants are more cohesive, or firmer, than others. In the case of rupture, the silicone gel usually remains within the implant shell and does not migrate to other parts of the body.

There’s a silicone gel called ProgressiveGel® that can be seen in Motiva Implants®. It is a highly cohesive silicone gel that creates 100% filled implants with optimal shape retention. At the same time, it is ultra soft. This creates a natural look and feel. One of its variants, ProgressiveGel Ultima®, even allows the implant to move with the natural movement of the body. 

Shell textures are also one of the factors that differentiate breast implants. They refer to the surface of the outer silicone shell that encloses the gel material. There are two main types of shell textures: smooth and textured.

Traditional smooth breast implants have a thin and soft shell that feels smooth to the touch. They can move freely within the breast implant pocket, which may give a more natural movement and appearance; though, the same properties may cause implant displacement. However, traditional smooth implants are found to have higher risk of capsular contracture.

Textured breast implants have a thicker and coarser shell that adheres to the surrounding breast tissue, making them less likely to rotate or move. However, textured implants have also been associated with a rare type of cancer called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a type of lymphoma associated with these implants.

To overcome the problems of both textured and smooth breast implants, Motiva® developed SmoothSilk®/SilkSurface®. This is a special implant shell that uses 3D-printing technology to create a smooth nanotextured and even surface. This also ensures that the shell has the same thickness everywhere, which enhances the quality and durability of the implant. Unlike other implants, it does not use salt or sugar in its production. SmoothSilk®/SilkSurface® also has better biocompatibility, which reduces the risk of infection and inflammation. It also stops the implant from hardening and distorting, which is a complication known as capsular contracture. As a result, the surface can produce lower complication rates.

Breast Implant Shapes and Sizes

Breast implant shapes and sizes are important factors to consider when planning for breast augmentation surgery. The two main breast implant shapes are round and anatomical or teardrop.

As the name suggests, round implants have a circular base.  It’s symmetrical and have equal volume distribution in all directions. They tend to create more fullness in the upper pole of the breast and a more noticeable cleavage.

On the other hand, anatomical implants are asymmetrical and have more volume in the lower pole of the breast. They tend to create a more natural-looking slope and contour of the breast.

There’s also an implant shape that combines the aesthetic form of both round and anatomical implants.  Ergonomix® breast implants are a type of silicone gel breast implants that are designed to move naturally with the body and adapt to different positions. They are manufactured by Motiva®, a company that applies ergonomics principles to create implants that behave as naturally as possible. It has a round shape when lying down and an anatomical shape when standing up.

Motiva Ergonomix® uses a special gel called ProgressiveGel Ultima®, which creates a more anatomical shape and a soft and natural feel. They also use a shell configuration called TrueMonobloc®, which links all the implant components and makes the implant more durable and easier to insert through a small incision. They are intended for women who want a breast implant that offers the most natural look and feel possible.

Furthermore, breast implants come in different sizes and profiles to suit different body types and preferences. The size of the implant is measured in cubic centimeters (cc) and affects the volume, shape, and dimensions of the breast. The profile of the implant is related to the ratio of projection to width and determines how much the breast sticks out from the chest wall. Motiva® offers over 500 variety of choices in terms of size and profile, ranging from low to extra high, to help patients achieve their desired look.

Choosing the right breast implant shape, size, and profile depends on many factors, such as the patient’s anatomy, preferences, goals, lifestyle, and expectations.

Placement and Incision of Breast Implants

The placement and incision of the implants are also important factors to consider when planning the surgery, as they can affect the appearance, sensation, and function of the breasts, as well as the recovery and potential complications.

The placement can be either submuscular (under the muscle), sub-glandular (over the muscle), or dual plane (partially under the muscle). The incision can be either inframammary (under the breast fold), periareolar (around the nipple), transaxillary (in the armpit), or transumbilical (through the belly button).

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your anatomy, preferences, and goals. Though, the most common choice is the combination of submuscular placement and inframammary incision.

To achieve the best results for your breasts, you should talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon who’s highly experienced in breast augmentation. They can guide you based on what you want and need, as well as your skin condition, breast tissue, chest size, nipple location, and implant size and type. You can also see some pictures of other patients who have done the surgery to get inspired by their confidence, safety, and beauty.

As you celebrate Pride Month and your own unique identity, you may be considering breast augmentation as a way of self-expression and confidence. Choosing the right implant shape and size is an important decision that can affect your appearance and well-being.  You can also find more information and support from online resources or local communities that can help you with your journey. Remember, this is your body and your choice. You deserve to be happy and confident in yourself.

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