You might have noticed something is not quite right with your breast implants when you stand right in front of a mirror. It might show some signs of misalignment, wrinkles might start to show up, or you just want to replace them with a brand new pair of breast implants since yours have been with you for a very long time.
Well, worry no more because breast implant revision surgery is all you need to fix all your woes and concerns with your current implants. If you have no idea about it, then we will guide you through its process and give you an idea of choosing the right breast implants that would suit your needs and satisfy your expectations. So, let’s get started.
What Is Implant Revision Surgery?
It is simply defined as replacing old breast implants from the patients with brand new ones. But, there are varying reasons for a woman to undergo implant revision surgery. Here are some of the most common reasons:

- Capsular contracture happens when a tissue capsule forms around the implant and it becomes hard and dense. There are four types of Grade that serve as a standard to measure the severity of pain.
- Capsular contracture Grade I is when the breasts appear to be natural and delicate to the touch. No pain can be felt.
- Capsular contracture Grade II has mild symptoms.
- Capsular contracture Grade III shows some sign of shape abnormality with less pain. Revision might be needed for this case.
- Capsular contracture Grade IV causes the breasts to harden and deform. Breast discomfort is common in patients with Grade IV capsular contracture; their breasts are tender and uncomfortable to the touch. Revision might also be needed for this case.
- Misalignment of breast implants is one of the risks post breast augmentation. You’ll notice that your implants are not settled in the right location or it may appear too high or too low.
- Ruptured breast implants are caused by accidentally puncturing the implant with a blunt object or due to the quality and age of the implant. Other complications like capsular contracture may cause rupture.
As soon as you notice something wrong with your breast implants, we highly encourage you to immediately seek medical assistance from your surgeon so they can assess the situation.
Why Breast Implant Revision Surgery Is Vital to Your Health?
According to a recent article entitled Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Statistics 2021, beauty enhancing surgeries rose astronomically, specifically breast augmentation with over 365,000 performed in 2021 alone, +44%. On the other hand, 148,000 women undergo implant revision surgery, where they decide to either alter their breast implants or may have to remove it.
Furthermore, based on the recent report on the safety of silicone breast implants by the U.S. Food and Drugs Authorities (FDA), 1 out of 5 patients needs to undergo a revision procedure after 10 years after their first breast augmentation. 20% of these patients need it because of the common issues mentioned above.
To understand how breast implant revision procedure works. Here’s a step-by-step guide to learn more about how you’ll replace your previous breast implants.
- Consultation –Book a schedule with your surgeon so they may screen your body and understand what must be done with your breast implants. Make sure you clearly convey all your concerns, including your goals with your new implants so they may have a better understanding of your situation. At this point, you’ll also be choosing the types of breast implants to be used for your operation.
Two Major Types of Breast Implants

Two of the most common breast implants for breast surgery are saline and silicone implants. Most breast implants may look the same and even with its components and structure. However, not all breast implants are alike with each other.
Saline breast implants | Silicone breast implants |
Pros: • It’s very safe for the body because of the saltwater solution making them a sterile and safe option. In addition, you can control the volume depending on your desired size. • The FDA approves its use for 18 year old patients or older. | Pros: • Aside from the fact that they’re made out of high-quality silicone gel, they’re also designed to protect the patient from capsular contracture and lessen the risk of infection. • It has less rippling sensation, which makes it more comfortable for women and creates less impact to your chest. • It has a natural look. The overall structure and composition of silicone breast implants has a similar look to a natural breast. It’s carefully designed by experts and advanced technology. |
Cons: • It has a huge tendency of rippling. The impact of the water could be felt within your skin. • It may cause skin wrinkling and other skin allergies. | Cons: • The only disadvantage of silicone breast implants would be its high price compared to saline implants. But despite its high price, almost all surgeons and medical professionals highly suggest it because it’s proven safe for most of their clients. Moreover, their patients are happy with it because it’s more natural and comfortable to their end. |
Safety: In case of saline implant ruptures, it will noticeably deflate in an instant. Thus, altering the shape and size of the breast. With that said, the leaking saline solution will be just absorbed by the body. Note that it is not harmful. | Safety: There are less incidents of silicone breast implant ruptures compared to saline breast implants partly because it’s composed of highly durable materials that could withstand high-pressure or incase of accidents like being punctured by a sharp object. If this happens, you would not notice it immediately since the gel will remain intact inside of the capsule. Thus, it is called a silent rupture. The leaking won’t affect the person’s health but in case that this event happened. We strongly advise you to immediately seek your doctor’s advice regarding this matter since you’ll feel breast pain, breast thickening, or changes in the contour or shape of the breast. |
There are other types of breast implants in the market but the most commonly used and recommended for implant revision surgery are silicone breast implants.
Motiva® for Implant Revision Surgery
There are a lot of silicone implant brands in the market. One that is making a name for its medical and aesthetic innovations is Motiva®.
Motiva Implants® has a specially designed gel called the ProgressiveGel® that helps with the shape and feel of the implants. Its high viscosity ensures a 100% filled and form-stable implant. If you want to correct sagging or disformity, Motiva® can help with its ample projection and rounder shape.
With its TrueMonobloc® configuration, Motiva® also has a high performance shell that can go under extreme pressure. This allows for the implant to be stretched without being ruptured. Thus, Motiva Implants® can be inserted through smaller incisions, between 2.5cm to 3cm, compared to the 5cm incision with other implants.
Furthermore, Motiva Implants® also are known for its medical safety. A prospective study shows that there are less than 1% of implant-related complications with Motiva® including capsular contracture, rupture, and early seroma. Motiva® also has zero reported cases of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).
Motiva® also comes with the free Always Confident Warranty®, which covers cases of rupture for the lifetime of the implant. Also, it has the Product Replacement Policy for cases of Baker Grades III and IV Capsular Contracture, covering a period of 10 years.
Moreover, Motiva® offers an extended warranty, through a non-refundable fee. This extended warranty provides replacement implants for cases of rupture and Baker Grades III and IV Capsular Contracture, as well as financial assistance for the cost of the revision surgery.
Whether it’s for aesthetic or medical purposes, Motiva® can help achieve your goals with your implant revision surgery.
2. Operation – During the operation, your surgeon will inject local anesthetic with IV sedation or put you under general anesthesia. This means you’ll be entirely asleep during the operation. Most likely, your surgeon will use the same incision sites as in your original treatment. They will then remove your old breast implants and replace it with your new breast implants. They will stitch the incision to close it.
3. Recovery – After the operation, most women would require at least two or three days of full rest to get back some of your energy from the surgery . But, the recovery period is a case-to-case basis since it really depends on how complex the operation and the amount of tissue that may have been augmented from the breast. We suggest you to always keep your lines open between you and your surgeon so they may give you the best advice for your speedy recovery.
Breast implant revision surgery is a very common practice especially for those who have already undergone breast augmentation. It helps them not only to enhance and fix the unwanted appearance of their implants but also alleviates any discomforts caused by it. Moreover, it allows them to try other breast implants which are far better in terms of quality and durability. Lastly, this type of surgery protects their body by removing any type of infection. Again, prevention is better than cure.